Reservation Request

Complete the online reservation form below.

Amenity Reservation Request Form

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End Time(Required)
Add all details about your event
Host / Hostess Name(Required)
Your Address(Required)

Regulations for the Reservation and Use of the Pebblebrook Amenity Center 

The following regulations are adopted pursuant the authority of section 8 of the bylaws for the reservation and use of the Pebblebrook Amenity Center: 

Section 1 – Reservations 

  1. Any owner and any properly registered renter of a unit for a period of at least three consecutive months is qualified to reserve the Amenity Center in accordance with the following terms. 
  2. Any qualified person who wishes to reserve the Amenity center shall make application utilizing the form which is incorporated into these regulations and is attached to these regulations. 
  3. Any qualified person who wishes to use the Amenity center shall acknowledge and agree that they shall be liable for any damage that is deemed to have occurred during their use of the Amenity Center and specifically agrees to pay any additional cleaning expenses as deemed necessary by the Board or its agent. The qualified person who reserves the Amenity center will ordinarily be notified of any costs that are charged to them within a week or when discovered. 
  4. Failure to promptly pay the costs of cleaning or damage shall result in the users forfeiture of the right to reserve and use the Amenity Center. 
  5. The user of the Amenity Center shall take pictures of the facility before and after the use of the facility. 
  6. Upon the failure of a registered renter to pay any assessed costs incurred by reason of section 1.c, the owner of the unit shall be responsible for the assessed costs. 
  7. Any qualified person who wishes to use the Amenity Center shall attest that the person has read and understand the regulations for the use of the Amenity Center in their entirety. 
  8. No application for reservation shall be accepted for 1. a for- profit function or 2. a political function. A charitable organization may use the facility for a fund raising function subject to the Board’s prior approval. 
  9. The Board reserves the right to reject any application for the reservation that it deems contrary to an appropriate use of the Association’s facility, 


Section 2 – Terms of the reservation 

  1. All reservations period shall be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. b. The reservation does not include the exclusive use of the pool or the fitness center. c. The person making the reservation shall be present during the entire period of the reservation. 
  2. The set up and clean up period shall be included within the reservation period. An exemption may be granted to extend the cleanup period for good cause such as a caterer returning to retrieve equipment 
  3. Those who reserve are responsible for ensuring the facility and equipment is in a condition equal to or better when the reservation period began. The cleaning includes the counters and table surfaces with the provided cleaning products and sweeping and vacuuming the floor and carpet.
  4. Those who reserve may use the Pebblebrook serving ware, utensils, dish towels, garbage bags and cleaning supplies. All items that have been used shall be cleaned and returned to their designated labeled area. Dish towels shall be washed and returned to the Amenity Center. 
  5. Those who reserve my not use the disposable products or items of the Association. This includes paper products, plastic cups, or similar items. 
  6. Those who reserve shall remove all garbage and recyclables and deposit them in the Amenity Center receptacles if there is room. Otherwise they shall be removed and disposed of by the person who reserved the facility. 
  7. If the grill is utilized during the course of the reservation it shall be cleaned. If the propane is low the association representative shall be notified so the tank can be filled. 
  8. The person reserving the Amenity Center shall be responsible to turn off all lights and fans, resetting the thermostat to the original setting and locking all doors to include the lanai and restrooms. 


Section 3- Prohibitions 

  1. No firearms are permitted. 
  2. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the Amenity Center complex. 
  3. No birds, animals, or reptiles are allowed in the premise except for a properly recognized service animal. 
  4. No flammable materials are allowed such as but not limited to solvents, e.g. turpentine and sterno. 
  5. Non washable paints, inks, glitter or glue guns or any similar items are not permitted. 


Section 4– 

Any owner who violates a provision of these regulations shall be subject to a fine under section 5 of the by-laws.